David & Laura
David & Laura

David Sugerman
Laura Molander

November 16th 2024
Cincinnati Ohio
131 Days Ago

Laura and David met in 2011 at a Chanukah party at their synagogue. Laura's mother, Marcie Molander, introduced them. Both families had been members of the same synagogue for years, and although their parents were friends, Laura and David had never met. David struck up conversation, and a latke slipped off his plate, and Laura didn't realize, and stepped in it, and immediately went about cleaning it off her shoe. He didn't reveal that the latke was his until years later, out of embarrassment. 

Their first date was karaoke with the Wedding DJ, Big Daddy Walker. Laura and David dated for about a year, and then parted ways on great terms and remained close friends for years.

In 2022, Laura and David rekindled their romance when he bought her a leather "eyeball" flower at the Steampunk Empire Symposium convention.

Within a year, Laura and David felt they were each other's person of choice, and wanted to get engaged. David bought a ring, and presented it to Laura at Fountain Square in Cincinnati.

Over their time together, Laura and David have been on many exciting dates and certainly keep things new, including costume-themed events where they can dress up.