|   |  | Hmmm… Where do I start? How about the day he was moving into the apartment complex. We often look back and laugh about this day because I originally thought Andrew was there to fix something on property. We had a dishwasher and microwave that had gone out on us in an apartment, and the appliances were all GE (General Electric). So when I saw him walking in with his GE shirt on, I immediately thought he was there to work on our appliances. SO… obviously being the ditz I am, I asked him if he was there to get some work done for us. He paused and looked at me with the most confusing look on his face. I got embarrassed. His face turned red….and the story began! We saw each other here and there from that point on. He would stop by the office, and Christopher (coworker) and Dylan (my maintenance guy) would interfere, haha! But, we finally had time to get to know one another after time spent at the Salt Fork pool. He came up with cheesy jokes about the mailroom needing a trashcan and I told him I thought his Yankee accent was cute.
But I’m sure you’d love to hear about when I knew he was the ONE. It was Memorial Day weekend and our mutual friends were with us pool side for our SFA Luau. This weekend had been a blast! We hung out with multiple friends that were just as infatuated with Andrew as I was. I have always been the outgoing, social butterfly that was always down to have a good time, and here he was the exact same way! I had finally gotten to meet his little one, Gianni, and it amazed me to see how great of a father he was. The care and love that he had for Gianni was radiating, and spoke volumes of how beautiful of a person Andrew is inside. When I saw that, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone so loving and pure. Oh and not to mention, Gianni is a freaking CUTIE! :)
Over the next year, it was like a whirlwind. We would see each other any time we wanted and we did, almost every day since we only lived two buildings apart from each other. I knew he was the one, and I knew he knew I was the one. haha. We bought a beautiful home. I graduated with my MBA. We took amazing trips all over of the country, and even the Dominican Republic. Our love grew deeper and I knew the day he’d ask was inevitable. |
 |  | (Hmmm, where do I start?) I to, will use this beginning, as you have all just read Desiree’s story of our meeting first (chuckle). She definitely explained how it happened and was “spot on”, except for the “cheesy jokes” part of course, I happen to think my jokes are funny. However, it was certainly a “chance meeting”. As many of you know, I am from NY and Desiree is from New Orleans so the odds her and I were to meet in a different state entirely were not very probable. The moment I met Desiree, it was like a magnet. The more I learned about her, the more I was attracted. She was strikingly gorgeous, smart, independent, yet surprisingly approachable! All these qualities were immediately evident but I couldn’t wait to learn more. I can remember first entering her apartment and seeing the many pictures of her family on display in her Livingroom. It meant the world to me that she valued her family so much. Desiree and I grew close quickly and the talk of marriage suddenly felt so natural. We enjoy so many of the same things in life and both eagerly await this future together. She has been great with Gianni and has truly assumed the motherly role in his life. Gianni would ask me on a daily basis, “Dad did you get the ring yet?” So, when I finally did propose, I made sure it was Desiree that showed him the ring I had given her. The joy on his face said it all! Desiree is a special person and I will be more than honored to call her my wife next June! |