| William Krasher Huddleston was born Dec. 7th, 1974 to Mary and Alonso Huddleston in Flint, Michigan. William is a phlebotomist graduating in 2016 from Brightwood College. William was a very accomplished student graduating at the top of his class. He originally graduated from Carmen-Ainsworth High School in 1993. William is also a father to 3 wonderful boys: Altraveon, Alvonte and Aldonavin. They are the ligth of his life besides Miss Vanesha. William is an avid lover of animals, motorcyles and basketball. He is very passionate about all 3. William is the only boy, but has 5 sisters, 2 nephews and 5 nieces. William's ultimate goal is to exceed in his craft and beyond, own a beautiful home and ride his bike....lol! |